Another big change

Living full time in a truck on the road is sometimes quite challenging and yet what it gives me is so immensely rewarding. Exploring dusty tracks and being in a different place every week is an experience I cannot relate in words. It’s something that has to be lived.

Since 2011, I lived that life. Living in the open, sleeping among the quiet mulga trees and life giving red dirt of the South Australian outback. The impermanence drew me in, quieting my mind and allowing me to reseal the wounds and begin to look towards a path not enveloped in darkness.

Life on the road isn’t all golden hour moments of bliss. It had it’s challenges, and yet as obstacles were overcome and new camps found it definitely instilled a sense of resilience and simple stillness. These became the foundation of my perspective toward: What is truly critical to being fulfilled and carrying out some form of meaningful existence.

One of the biggest lessons I learned in this period was that everything changes and to be ok with that. Not to fight it and try and control it but to go along and enjoy the differences and subtle details.

Bush camp outside of Blinman in the Flinders Rangers

Into Other Worlds

For the last four and half years, I’ve been living on the edges of...

DEVElementals Development continues

After 14 weeks in the desert there was, not a moment, but an afternoon...

Art Camp at the Studio

For over two years, my camp in the Flinders Ranges, has been a safe...

Neoteric Opens

Neoteric is a declaration of the importance of artists. During times of insecurity, we...

Country Arts SA Commission

Creating on the outer edge of society, combined with the remoteness of my artist...


Then came Viktor Frankl’s words “He who has a why to live can bear almost any...


Collaborations facilitate regulatory self check-ins and conceptual expansion while engaging avenues of focused empathy...

TWO WAYS in FinePrint Magazine

Onkaparinga’s Shimmer Biennale featured an exhibition of photographs by Dave Laslett (Anglo-Australian/Spanish) and Inkatja...


After 6 months on the road and all of the proofing, printing and framing...


Today marks the start of the new series Two Ways \ A Dualistic System....

Characters of the Outback

Living a solitary life creating works in the desert is one of the most...

On becoming lost

Something vital to my existence, and it’s often very misunderstood, is being lost. The...

Land Work Commission Changes it all

The last few years have included some huge changes. Leaving society and shedding the...

Sleep Brings Relief and the Hope of a New Day {Bush Poem}

We hid away from your world however you delivered it to our doorstep like...

Out of the desert to Canberra

Being quite new to photography it was quite a shock to be included among...

Intentful Downsizing

To live honestly, without distraction or dilution, allowing my hyperfocus uninterrupted free reign demanded...

A Big Change

On a trip to Coober Pedy something happened that changed my direction literally overnight....

The modifier and the technical

With the advances in understanding the technical and working with people, it quickly became...

The Process Driven Lab

Experimentation and control has become such large parts of my practice. The lab is...

The Genesis of things

Initially the camera was a Survival mechanism, a way of breathing after a long...