In the name of progress and bustle
catastrophe sets in, attentions withers,
as does the world
For the last four and half years, I’ve been living on the edges of society, creating in relative solitude, within […]
After 14 weeks in the desert there was, not a moment, but an afternoon of extreme clarity. A week prior […]
For over two years, my camp in the Flinders Ranges, has been a safe creative space for me. It’s allowed […]
Neoteric is a declaration of the importance of artists. During times of insecurity, we turn to art to get us […]
On a trip across to Ceduna I passed through Wudinna. I spent seven and a half months attending the local […]
Creating on the outer edge of society, combined with the remoteness of my artist camp, can feel a bit like […]
Living full time in a truck on the road is sometimes quite challenging and yet what it gives me is […]
Then came Viktor Frankl’s words “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.” a sentiment that mirrored my life […]
The path of internal discovery within TWO WAYS was deeply transformative and I suppose in a way this series was […]