Into Other Worlds
For the last four and half years, I’ve been living on the edges of...
After 6 months on the road and all of the proofing, printing and framing completed, TWO WAYS \ A Dualistic System opened at Red Poles Winery as part of the Shimmer Biennale of Photography. The exhibition was kindly opened by Ku Arts Ceo Marie Falcinella. The opening was well attended and received.
This series began as a concept that was developed for Naidoc the previous year raising the question Who made you who you are today? After I completed production on the film I began to reflect on this question seeking out my parents who were living at Blanche Harbour. The discussions that followed were immensely illuminating, whilst providing me with a truly honest narrative of love, loss and the pursuit of survival.
I’d always felt a darkness within me. A darkness I chose never to look at. Creating these thirteen works turned out to be a true self-investigation while hanging them on the wall proved to cathartically export this darkness, leaving me with a sense of stillness and peace. It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to be alone with myself and yet being in this space now has opened a whole new world of opportunity or experience. I’ll always honour this gift throughout my practice as it extends into my life.